
Showing posts with the label alternative media

Adpocalypse and YouTube Demonetisation

Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably will have heard about a number of high profile YouTubers who have had their channels demonetised or deranked as a result of what is being called the Adpocalypse. This past week, following some very public whining by certain voices, YouTube has taken away the ability for even more channels to earn money through advertising revenue on their platform. The alternative media seems to have been hit rather hard recently too, notably with Dan Dicks losing all monetisation from his channel Press for Truth this week.  It's interesting to note however that this also seemed to coincide with Dan confronting  Eric Schmidt, former Chairman of Google & former Executive Chairman Alphabet, the parent company of YouTube, a few days prior while covering the Bilderberg conference in Switzerland. Many people are up in arms about these decisions, and about what seems to be quite a heavy handed approach Youtube is taking with certain