
Showing posts from July, 2020

Get paid for browsing the web

I wanted to share some information that can help you earn some money for doing very little.  A few years ago I heard about the Brave browser and after a while I decided to finally install it and give it a go. Brave is all about privacy, they don't track you and they block ad trackers and ultimately save you a bit of time and bandwidth with pages loading faster. The best thing though, is the option to earn cryptocurrency for using the browser. They show you a few ads now and then, which I find quite unobtrusive, and you earn BAT or 'Basic Attention Tokens' every month for the privilege. I thought I'd give it a go, because why not? I wasn't expecting to earn much, but after just over a year of using Brave as the main browser on both my phone and laptop, I've just realised that I've earned the equivalent to 30$ US! Pretty good! If you have a website, you can also sigh up to be a Brave creator and earn BAT when people visit your site. They can also tip you in BA