Get paid for browsing the web

I wanted to share some information that can help you earn some money for doing very little. 

A few years ago I heard about the Brave browser and after a while I decided to finally install it and give it a go.

Brave is all about privacy, they don't track you and they block ad trackers and ultimately save you a bit of time and bandwidth with pages loading faster. The best thing though, is the option to earn cryptocurrency for using the browser.

They show you a few ads now and then, which I find quite unobtrusive, and you earn BAT or 'Basic Attention Tokens' every month for the privilege.

I thought I'd give it a go, because why not? I wasn't expecting to earn much, but after just over a year of using Brave as the main browser on both my phone and laptop, I've just realised that I've earned the equivalent to 30$ US!

Pretty good!

If you have a website, you can also sigh up to be a Brave creator and earn BAT when people visit your site. They can also tip you in BAT if they enjoy your content. 

There is also the opportunity to earn even more BAT by referring other people to Brave.

So without further ado, here is my referral link!

In this day and age where many are struggling for money and employment, every little helps. Plus cryptocurrency can be exchanged and used outside of the normal currency system which can be useful too.

Be Brave - try a new browser and earn yourself some pennies!

Brave Browser

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