
Get paid for browsing the web

I wanted to share some information that can help you earn some money for doing very little.  A few years ago I heard about the Brave browser and after a while I decided to finally install it and give it a go. Brave is all about privacy, they don't track you and they block ad trackers and ultimately save you a bit of time and bandwidth with pages loading faster. The best thing though, is the option to earn cryptocurrency for using the browser. They show you a few ads now and then, which I find quite unobtrusive, and you earn BAT or 'Basic Attention Tokens' every month for the privilege. I thought I'd give it a go, because why not? I wasn't expecting to earn much, but after just over a year of using Brave as the main browser on both my phone and laptop, I've just realised that I've earned the equivalent to 30$ US! Pretty good! If you have a website, you can also sigh up to be a Brave creator and earn BAT when people visit your site. They can also tip you in BA

A few things you need to know right now #2020Vision

2020 is shaping up to be quite a year eh? It truly is the year of 2020 vision where everything becomes clear and we have the opportunity to see the world for what it really is, and to see other people for who they truly are. The following video is a public service annoucement - please like, comment subscribe and of course share!

Free Reiki I Attunements for ALL!

Like many other people across the world right now, I am now working from home full time and the authorities do not want me to see any clients in person.  I count myself among the lucky ones who are still able to work and earn a living right now, and my heart goes out to those who are left struggling financially or emotionally as we enter week three of being shut in our houses. The biggest thing that has jumped out at me about all this, is the sheer amount of fear and panic, and the harm this is doing to people. Fear is a powerful emotion, and it can be a useful one. All our emotions have their place, and serve as messengers to tell us something we need to know, or to think about. The problem we have now, is that many people have found themselves 'stuck' in panic or fear and have nowhere to go with those difficult emotions.  As a general rule I avoid watching the news like the plague, but even I felt myself being pulled into the fear vortex as my own country was on the

Easy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan, Wheat & Gluten free option)

I still can't believe that I haven't posted this recipe on here until today! I was searching for this recipe to make a batch for myself today, having recently discovered that I'm able to eat organic wheat flours, and I realised that it's actually some time since I made these.  Here's a batch I made in 2014 before I came up with the genius idea of adding chocolate chips ^_^ Up until recently, I've been sticking to the tummy friendly coconut flour version of this recipe (which I will post very soon too) which is also delicious even for those who aren't wheat or gluten free! This is one of my go to recipes at the end of the month when I'm running out of food and fancy a little treat. The peanut butter could be substituted with another nut butter if you prefer, and you can mix it up a bit by adding chopped nuts, replacing the chocolate chips with sultanas or anything else you have left in the store cupboard. Go wild and use whatever you fancy!

Why I'm no longer Wheat Free

I'm really excited to share this news with you, but I felt it was important as it could help other people finding themselves with the painful symptoms of a swollen, achy tummy that I endured for a number of years until I realised that I had a problem with my diet. I went wheat free almost a year ago as I announced in my blog Is it time to Ditch Wheat? on May 19th 2019. I did however wonder and discuss in the article the possibility that our favourite grain was being made indigestible by a number of factors - the cooking method and more importantly the now common practice of using glyphosate as a desiccant on wheat crops to maximise yield. Since then, I do still have the occasional Gregg's sausage roll which I always regret two days later when the painful symptoms show up. Sometimes it's worth it because they're so darned delicious...but as a general rule, I've stayed wheat free as far as possible. A few weeks ago, I remembered the curious story told to me by

Pancakes (Vegan, Wheat & Gluten Free Option)

It's that time of year again, and although I'm a couple of days late for Shrove Tuesday (always been a rebel!) I wanted to share my pancake recipe with you ready for the weekend.  Not everyone has the time or energy to stand over a hot stove making pancakes on a school night, and let's be honest it does take some time to do. I like to heat up a dinner plate in the oven to put mine onto straight out of the pan, so they stay warm before serving. One of those little plate warmers they use in Indian restaurants with a tealight to keep dishes warm would work pretty well too. I used organic plain flour for this recipe as I've found my tummy is quite happy with that - it seems my suspicions that it was pesticides upsetting my tummy rather than the wheat itself were founded! To read more about this hop on over to my blog about wheat and why it may be causing havok with your stomach. I've used vegan margarine here because I prefer the flavour, but you can use v

Meatball Subs & Charity Shops Vlog 25th January 2020

Took a little trip into town to see if I could find an adequate deodorant as I've run out of my favourite one from Lush! I'm also looking to replace my plastic storage containers with glass & metal alternatives, so the charity shops are a great place to start. I really want a big cheese bell! Subway have just brought out their Vegan Meatball Marinara AND there's a gluten free bun option - check it out!